BA – Biometric Avatar
The return rate in e-commerce for fashion products due to wrong shoe or clothing size is significant and represents one of the primary reasons for returning clothing and footwear.
- Average Share:
Approximately 50-70% of all returns in the fashion sector are caused by wrong shoe or clothing size.
- By Product Categories:
Clothing: wrong shoe or clothing size accounts for about 60% of returns, as different brands and cuts often vary in their sizing standards.
Footwear: The percentage is similar or slightly higher (up to 70%) for footwear, as comfort and proper fit are crucial.
- Causes of Wrong shoe or clothing size:
Variations in sizing standards between manufacturers and regions.
Insufficient detailed information on sizes, such as precise measurement charts.
Specific characteristics of body shape or foot structure that standard sizes do not accommodate.
The development of the BA – Biometric Avatar relied solely on NI – Natural Intelligence, which enables us to create solutions in the present and establish effective standards for best practices in the future.
The technology enhances the accuracy of size determination by accounting for variations in body proportions and the elasticity of materials.
As a result, it is equally suitable for people with standard sizes as well as those with non-standard proportions, offering convenience and confidence in selecting clothing and accessories.
Biometric avatars can function independently or in combination with the filters available on the Fashions House platform.
Access the control panel of your profile through your account.

Select the AVATARS menu
In this menu, you can create and manage multiple individual biometric avatars, including your personal avatar as well as those of your family members and pets for whom you shop.
3. In the Create new Avatar field, enter the name of the avatar.
➤ Example – your name for your personal avatar.
4. Depending on whom the avatar is intended for, select the appropriate category from the drop-down menu in the field — Gender —. The available options are as follows:
Children – Girls and Boys
Pet – Dogs and Cats
➤ Adhering to this requirement is important because it determines the type of biometric data you will be required to provide. The biometric data requirements vary depending on the selected Gender category. Additionally, if you choose a male avatar, the search results will exclude female, child, baby, and pet products.
Press the + Create button to confirm the creation of the avatar.
Once you create an avatar, it will appear in the list within the AVATARS menu, with an icon indicating the type of Gender it corresponds to.
Once created, avatars are saved in your profile, so you will not need to recreate them each time you log into the Fashions House platform.
Each individual avatar has two management options:

Remove – By selecting this option, you remove the chosen avatar from your list.
View – By selecting this option, you are redirected to a table where you can enter your individual biometric data in an analytical format.
Individual sizes – regardless of whether they are standard or non-standard proportions – allow users to search in detail and with high accuracy based on their specific biometric data.
➤ Example: If you have a female avatar, when entering the ladies’ category or any of its subcategories, by activating your female avatar, you will be shown all the products that match your individual sizes.
The measurements can be entered in either centimetres or inches, and the technology will automatically convert and synchronize them during the search process.
Each measurement starts with a unique code, which you can reference using the provided guide to understand their locations:
For people:

For people, the biometric data covers several key groups of measurements:
Upper body
Lower body
Variations between the upper and lower body
Variations between the legs and lower body
➤ It is not mandatory to fill in all the data, but when providing data for a specific group, it is mandatory that they be comprehensive. The fewer the data you fill in, the fewer alternatives you will have for precise and thorough searches.
The process of entering individual biometric data follows this sequence:

Select the unit of measurement you will use to enter the data (cm or inches).
Choose the measurement you want to fill in.
From the drop-down menu, select your size.
➤ Please ensure precision when measuring your biometric data and correctly filling in the fields. Keep in mind that the system cannot determine whether you have measured your dimensions accurately or entered the correct data.
Once you have entered or updated your data, confirm the submission or update of the information. After confirming that you have entered the biometric data in the avatar, it will be active and ready for use.
For pet:
For pet, the biometric data is entered similarly to that of people:

The following measurements are required:
PETS – BLP – Back Length
PETS – NCP – Neck Circumference
PETS – CCP – Chest Circumference
PETS – PLP – Paw Length
The process of entering individual biometric data follows the same sequence as for people.

For Unregistered Users:
Unregistered users on the platform can not only shop but also use the biometric filtering tool without needing to create an avatar in the control panel. The steps for this are as follows:
Enter any category or subcategory on the Fashions House platform. Go to the Filter by Sized Avatar menu located on the left side of the page.
Depending on whom the filtering is intended for, select the appropriate category from the drop-down menu in the field – – Choice Gender – –. The available options are as follows:
Children – Girls and Boys
By selecting this option, you will be redirected to a table where you can enter your individual biometric data in an analytical format.
➤ Adhering to this requirement is important because it determines the specific biometric data you will need to provide. The biometric data required for certain Gender categories differs from others. Additionally, if you select “Gentlemen,” the search results will exclude products for ladies, children, babies, and pet.

- Select the unit of measurement you will use to enter the data (cm or inches). Choose the measurement you wish to fill in. Select your size from the drop-down menu.
- Please ensure precision when measuring your biometric data and accurately filling in the fields.
➤ Note that the system cannot verify whether your measurements are correct or whether you have entered accurate data.

After entering or updating your data, confirm the submission or update of the information. Once you have confirmed the biometric data entry, it becomes active and ready for use.
When you log in with your profile and navigate to any category or subcategory, a list of your avatars will appear on the left side of the page, along with all the filters Filter by sized Avatar.

By selecting any of the avatars, it is activated and filters the chosen category or subcategory based solely on the sizes matching the biometric data entered in the selected avatar. Filtering with the avatar can also be combined with other filters available on the Fashions House platform.

➤ Please note that the avatar must correspond to the category you have entered. For example, a male avatar will not display products if activated in a women’s category.
Excluding and Adding Avatars:
Clear filter by Avatar – excluding an avatar
+ Add new – adding an avatar

➤ Also visit FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions About: BA – Biometric Avatars